Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Request for a Book

You will receive an email confirmation after your request has been processed. It may take us a few days, so please be patient.


  1. I wouldlove to recieve any books for the book club. I love to read and we live in Mexico doing Ministry work with a Children's home so our money is very tight and I cannot get books here as the shipping is too much and we are not at liberty to spend our money for luxuries. I would pass the book on to other mission people here. We are not missionaries, but feel that God led us here to help and do minisrty work.
    God Bless YOu!

  2. Hi there I just requested the book. My hubby and I are adopting from Uganda right now so funds are a bit tight. I do have a lot of other books so hopefully at some point i will be able to send them to you so you can reuse them!

  3. Wow...that's so awesome. I've been out of work since January 2009 so that would just be so cool. Thanks!

  4. Hello, I am a single mom and like most people, important things first, then stuff for my daughter, which then leaves very little for me. This book would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Hi, I just requested a book too. Unfortunatley my husband has been out of work since May.We have 4 kids, and times are very difficult for us right now. I Love to read, and would really like to be able to join you.

    Thank you for your generosity.

    Kendra Fleming

  6. I would love to have a copy of this book. I am a stay at home mother of 1. We have mad many sacrifices to make this happen. Our money goes for our living expenses. I would love to join a bible study in my town but I find it hard to get out of the house. My husband works all kinds of hours and I cannot leave my child with just anyone because of medical issues. In fact, I don't like to leave him with anyone. If you have a copy to send me it would be so appreciated. I am trying so hard to learn all I can and live the life that Christ intends for me.
    I love reading your blog. It has opened my eyes to so many things.
    I think you are an amazing woman and I have pointed many friends who have been through what you went through to your blog and you have really helped them.

    Much love and lots or prayers
